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chaos shadow's AntiRecords

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These are stats that, frankly, could use some help.

Game Level Category Division Stat Order Desc Players Date
Sonic Forces Stage 30 VS. Death Egg Robot Score Triple Team 2,231,600 5 04-24-19
Sonic Forces Secret 2 Vanish Panel 1 Score Modern Sonic 1,426,800 9 04-24-19
Sonic Forces Stage 5 VS. Zavok Score Modern Sonic 1,300,800 5 04-21-19
Sonic Forces Stage 3 Virtual Reality Score Shadow 1,187,500 7 03-05-19
Sonic Forces Stage 6 Egg Gate Score Modern Sonic 1,175,400 7 04-21-19
Sonic Forces Secret 4 Plasma Cannon 1 Score Avatar 1,159,800 8 04-24-19
Sonic Forces Secret 1 Fire Cannon 1 Score Avatar 1,106,000 8 03-06-19
Sonic Forces Stage 9 VS. Infinite Score Modern Sonic 1,061,600 5 04-21-19
Sonic Forces Stage 3 Ghost Town Score Classic Sonic 976,600 7 04-21-19
Sonic Forces Stage 15 Sunset Heights Score Modern Sonic 872,800 7 04-21-19
Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Score Modern 53,450 73 01-22-21
Sonic Generations City Escape Score Modern 52,720 66 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Green Hill Score Classic 51,470 69 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Green Hill Score Modern 50,740 88 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Sky Sanctuary Score Modern 50,110 68 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Speed Highway Score Modern 49,870 66 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Seaside Hill Score Classic 49,830 58 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Score Classic 49,790 61 01-22-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Wave Ocean Score Silver 49,260 44 07-20-21
Sonic Generations Sky Sanctuary Score Classic 49,160 59 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Rooftop Run Score Modern 48,290 71 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Speed Highway Score Classic 47,800 59 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Crisis City Score Modern 47,550 61 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Crisis City Score Classic 46,710 54 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Planet Wisp Score Modern 46,500 57 01-22-21
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis Score Sonic 46,140 49 07-20-21
Sonic Generations Planet Wisp Score Classic 45,380 55 01-22-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle Score Sonic 41,380 48 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Score Sonic 41,370 52 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Radical Train Score Sonic 37,870 47 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core Score Shadow 36,820 34 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Crisis City Score Shadow 33,910 35 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 5 Score Sonic 33,600 44 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Silver the Hedgehog Score Sonic 27,840 47 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core Score Sonic 25,990 45 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 5 Score Silver 25,480 30 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Crisis City Score Silver 25,230 42 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle Score Silver 24,120 39 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Score Shadow 21,550 37 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Egg-Cerberus Score Shadow 21,400 37 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Egg-Cerberus Score Sonic 19,720 46 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis Score Shadow 16,500 41 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley Score Sonic 5,450 46 07-20-21
Sonic & Knuckles Mushroom Hill 1 Score Sonic 3,500 33 12-04-16
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core Time Sonic 18'02"459 62 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Crisis City Time Silver 17'42"073 53 07-20-21
Sonic Heroes Bullet Station Time Chaotix 15:42:39 120 03-19-20
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle Time Silver 13'33"395 55 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Time Shadow 13'10"617 45 07-20-21
Sonic Heroes Bingo Highway Time Dark 12:15:16 126 07-02-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core Time Shadow 11'48"621 44 07-20-21
Sonic Heroes Bullet Station Time Dark 11:42:66 123 07-02-21
Sonic Generations Planet Wisp Time Attack Classic 10:51:48 60 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Planet Wisp Time Classic 10:51:48 62 01-22-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Crisis City Time Shadow 10'46"602 47 07-20-21
Sonic Generations Planet Wisp Time Attack Modern 9:21:05 70 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Planet Wisp Time Modern 9:21:05 66 01-22-21
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis Time Shadow 8'45"449 51 07-20-21
Sonic Heroes Grand Metropolis Time Dark 8:33:98 138 07-02-21
Sonic Heroes Seaside Hill Time Dark 8:05:98 147 07-02-21
Sonic Heroes Rail Canyon Time Dark 7:44:31 122 07-02-21
Sonic Heroes Lost Jungle Time Chaotix 7:23:63 121 03-19-20
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis Time Sonic 7'02"790 71 07-20-21
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cannon's Core Time Mission 4 6:25:12 40 11-01-15
Sonic Generations Crisis City Time Attack Classic 6:12:16 62 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Crisis City Time Classic 6:12:16 58 01-22-21
Sonic Heroes Ocean Palace Time Dark 6:10:93 138 07-02-21
Sonic Heroes Ocean Palace Time Chaotix 6:08:08 143 03-19-20
Sonic Generations Time Eater Boss Normal 5:46:70 62 01-22-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Crisis City Time Sonic 5'38"011 69 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Mephiles Phase 2 Time Shadow 5'36"428 46 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Egg-Cerberus Time Shadow 5'12"801 43 07-20-21
Sonic Generations Rooftop Run Time Classic 5:12:71 59 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Rooftop Run Time Attack Classic 5:12:71 60 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Crisis City Time Modern 4:51:62 68 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Crisis City Time Attack Modern 4:51:62 74 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Sky Sanctuary Time Attack Modern 4:37:34 88 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Sky Sanctuary Time Modern 4:37:24 82 01-22-21
Sonic Forces Stage 3 Virtual Reality Extra Shadow 4:36:59 8 03-05-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Wave Ocean Time Sonic 4'30"944 79 07-20-21
Sonic Generations Rooftop Run Time Attack Modern 4:30:10 81 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Rooftop Run Time Modern 4:30:10 87 01-22-21
Sonic Generations City Escape Time Modern 4:28:65 84 01-22-21
Sonic Generations City Escape Time Attack Modern 4:28:65 79 01-22-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle Time Sonic 4'25"379 64 07-20-21
Sonic Generations Speed Highway Time Attack Classic 4:22:69 74 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Speed Highway Time Classic 4:22:69 65 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Seaside Hill Time Attack Modern 4:05:46 81 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Seaside Hill Time Modern 4:05:46 72 01-22-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Time Sonic 3'52"037 83 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle Time Shadow 3'50"721 55 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Radical Train Time Shadow 3'50"337 49 07-20-21
Sonic Generations Seaside Hill Time Classic 3:49:87 62 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Seaside Hill Time Attack Classic 3:49:87 64 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Sky Sanctuary Time Classic 3:38:85 65 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Sky Sanctuary Time Attack Classic 3:38:85 76 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Time Modern 3:38:84 87 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Time Attack Modern 3:38:84 86 01-22-21
Sonic 4: Episode II Oil Desert 1 Time Sonic 3:20:30 13 10-21-19
Sonic Generations Green Hill Time Modern 3:07:86 136 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Green Hill Time Attack Modern 3:07:86 107 01-22-21
Sonic Heroes Team One Boss Chaotix 3:07:69 126 07-02-21
Sonic Generations City Escape Time Classic 3:03:08 63 01-22-21
Sonic Generations City Escape Time Attack Classic 3:03:08 70 01-22-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Egg-Cerberus Time Sonic 3'00"150 64 07-20-21
Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Time Attack Classic 2:55:41 81 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Time Classic 2:55:41 69 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Green Hill Time Attack Classic 2:52:20 92 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Green Hill Time Classic 2:52:20 86 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Speed Highway Time Attack Modern 2:49:13 87 01-22-21
Sonic Generations Speed Highway Time Modern 2:49:13 85 01-22-21
Sonic & Knuckles Mushroom Hill 1 Time Sonic 2:49 76 12-04-16
Sonic Heroes Egg Albatross Boss Dark 2:48:83 113 07-02-21
Sonic Forces Stage 20 Guardian Rock Time Avatar 2:41:27 11 03-05-19
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) 3 Lap Race Standard 2:39:01 87 10-20-15
Sonic Forces Stage 19 Red Gate Bridge Time Tag Team 2:28:42 9 03-05-19
Sonic Forces Stage 16 Capital City Time Avatar 2:20:24 11 03-05-19
Sonic Forces Stage 25 Imperial Tower Time Avatar 2:18:54 10 03-05-19
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Security Hall Time Mission 4 2:17:52 52 09-06-15
Sonic Forces Stage 12 Park Avenue Time Avatar 2:17:47 11 03-05-19
Sonic 4: Episode II White Park 2 Time Sonic 2:14:67 22 10-21-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 11 Time Sonic 2'09"145 49 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 5 Time Silver 2'08"945 32 07-20-21
Sonic Forces Stage 24 Null Space Time Tag Team 2:06:69 10 03-05-19
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) 3 Lap Race Beginner 2:02:86 104 10-20-15
Sonic Forces Stage 1 Enemy Territory Extra Shadow 1:46:47 9 03-05-19
Sonic Adventure (DX) Perfect Chaos Boss Super Sonic 1:41:73 91 01-24-17
Sonic Forces Stage 2 Eggman's Facility Extra Shadow 1:37:17 9 03-05-19
Sonic Forces Stage 29 Final Judgement Time Tag Team 1:34:05 11 03-05-19
Sonic Forces Stage 13 Casino Forest Time Classic Sonic 1:23:31 9 03-05-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Silver the Hedgehog Time Sonic 1'21"652 66 07-20-21
Sonic Forces Stage 14 Aqua Road Time Avatar 1:21:10 11 03-05-19
Sonic Forces Secret 5 Laser Cannon 1 Extra Modern Sonic 1:16:53 10 03-05-19
Sonic Forces Extra 5 Vanish Panel 2 Extra Avatar 1:13:66 7 03-05-19
Sonic Forces Stage 10 Green Hill Time Classic Sonic 1:13:40 9 03-05-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 2 Time Silver 1'05"899 38 07-20-21
Sonic Forces Extra 3 Laser Cannon 2 Extra Avatar 1:05:11 7 03-05-19
Sonic Forces Extra 7 Plasma Cannon 2 Extra Modern Sonic 0:54:13 8 03-05-19
Sonic Forces Extra 2 Bomb Block 2 Extra Avatar 0:46:43 6 03-05-19
Sonic Heroes Team One Boss Dark 0:46:14 132 07-02-21
Sonic Forces Secret 2 Vanish Panel 1 Extra Modern Sonic 0:42:96 9 04-24-19
Sonic Forces Secret 3 Bomb Block 1 Extra Modern Sonic 0:39:88 8 03-06-19
Sonic Forces Secret 1 Fire Cannon 1 Extra Avatar 0:29:66 10 04-24-19
Sonic Forces Extra 1 Flying Pod Extra Modern Sonic 0:29:49 9 03-05-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 5 Time Sonic 0'24"883 59 07-20-21
Sonic 4: Episode II Oil Desert 1 Rings Sonic 116 8 10-21-19
Sonic Forces Stage 17 VS. Infinite Rings Avatar 64 5 04-21-19
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Route 280 Rings Mission 5 52 21 08-09-16
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley Rings Sonic 47 46 07-20-21
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cannon's Core Rings Mission 4 37 62 11-01-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Rings Sonic 31 49 07-20-21
Sonic Heroes Power Plant Rings Chaotix 29 110 03-19-20
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis Rings Shadow 11 39 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Aquatic Base Rings Sonic 9 39 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Wave Ocean Rings Sonic 7 54 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Rings Silver 6 36 07-20-21
Sonic & Knuckles Mushroom Hill 1 Rings Sonic 5 39 12-04-16
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle Rings Sonic 4 41 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Wave Ocean Rings Silver 2 42 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Silver the Hedgehog Rings Sonic 2 48 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Crisis City Rings Shadow 2 36 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Rings Shadow 1 36 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Wave Ocean: Tails Rings Sonic 1 45 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle Rings Silver 1 40 07-20-21
Sonic The Hedgehog Mephiles Phase 2 Rings Shadow 1 35 07-20-21

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Player ID: 6086
Hits: 3,954 | Hits This Month: 126 | DB Calls: 19 | Mem Usage: 905.73 KB | Time: 0.12s | Printable

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